a way that you opinion to use p.h.p. pople way i do for example think that. the visa question between russia and disappearance. you have to make all the efforts of each question you know to reduce issues to. negotiate to. one of the issues is one of the topics of that and it talks here in moscow is the the i have proposed a bill that should between the russia and the europe the champions and well what do you think prevents russia and europe to finally sign agree because the russian leaders have been saying this will happen very soon but it's not happening what's the problem. exactly the same thing but the. politicians know the figures read up and immediately you can be sure that things will take time to happen isn't technical or political but it's both technical and political but i do think it's mainly political we have to do step away from this cold war as we had when we were in a bit because the cold war and in the west some of. you number states still considering as being not all power. both. in all solved we have to protect against the. poet if you i do t