i am a resident, p.i.c., a.r.e., l.l.o. with the new mayor and board of service next year, i hope 2011 will be the year of transparency and accountability. this item on the agenda and the discussion that i've heard the last 20 minutes lacks both. the questions i have is, number one, why five-year contracts? why not two and then see how these 20 service providers are doing? and then maybe there would be less of an issue regarding a contingency fee. the other question is why 20 non-profits? why not 10? when you fund 20 non-profits, perhaps you have a duplication of services that that money could be used in a better way to provide behavioral services to the city's most vulnerable. i think you're going to shirk your responsibility by just allowing the representations of d.p.h. and passing this on to the full board. thank you. >> walter paulson. i guess there must be 20 ways to have good health if you have it. 20 ways to be healthy. just live out the back, jack. make money plans, stan. we need more money there. just hop on the c