millions of people are out why are the stories the people loved by millions of the most lonely people p.p. people in the world is it a contradiction where it's only natural as you say well this small community you know provides a sense of continuity intimacies see the same people every day people know you big cities begin to lack the ways of meeting people that's where religion comes in for a lot of people are religious there are a lot of people who will join a religious organization or join a church as a way a billion social network for themselves they may not be religious themselves or may not believe what the gospels say but nonetheless it provides a community for themselves and there's a lot of alienation and it's of large communities where people move on now once the same no one knows you you become anonymous on the ground man and think does he is a great example of fear of alienation and being cut off what will the internet internet really deprive people of communication does internet myth to millions of users into literally people yeah that's a question we're going to be finding out much m