on the,pa leo climate, side the the past will help me deal with floods and droughts properly deal with them. if we had a better since of this from tree rings in the 1920s we would probably make different assumptions on the colorado rivers. maybe we would not but it was information we did not have about climate that would have changed potentially a decision that water manager's and politicians had. going into the few uh-uhture, manager's and planners have a lot of tools for dealing with these kinds of variabilities that we have to face. particularly, what we're suggesting is not to do anything differently but include a broader range of future climates in our plan. that maybe designing something, if your building from scratch differently than if there water climate change. i meant to ask maurine, she described the - well, what i want to know is are they valuing the desalination, not one of them i've seen accounts for rising sea level example. it might be done for some but not all of them. are they be evaluated underhigher temperature scenarios. are the yield numbers being evaluated that.