you have your yacht going down the pa towic. fine. when we were growing up, the wealthy were paying 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 percent in health care tax. i seem to remember the ones in my state, if you -- [inaudible] pretty good life. even though you're paying all the taxes, and you made sure that the working people had a good life too. that was your best -- protection so you can have your yacht, mansion, and jet. nobody bothered you with that. everybody else got to live. they had a good life and health care and these things. i have, for the life of me, no idea why they would upset that. the rich. why they would allow the middle class to be exterminated and to be shoved back to a place of not knowing from month to month not knowing whether they're going to be getting by. it's going end up being the ruin for the wealthy class, the wreath, and the banks. they are going go why did we have to get so greedy? why do we have to make $8 billion. now there are all the streets and elect democrats or worse. so it's if anyone has the answer. >> i will t