, when we lived in alshanakh, on the other hand we lived in dzyadzka petsyak, my name was pa-myastsovamu petsyakeetings, i’ll start playing on the street, but i’m running to listen, he’ll give me the harmonica, otherwise i’d be small, i’ll try to play, i won’t rynarasya, i'm rashyў, shtostsi is not so, i got the accordion for the sparetics, we rolled we faded ў il bumps of kalodnai ... for grain, well, i give it once at the nhadzel iz tolki, kali free for fishing, i love the dashas gryba, at you get tired early, thank god that the forest is glad, and you go into the morning, running around for an hour, something will happen, and sometimes, when you’re outside, you’re painting, you’re dreaming up, you can sometimes do something, because sometimes you write something, what... you don’t fall down, you need to do it, you’re free, daddy, yeah you say, hello, i poured my agarod, dripped a hole in the bottom of the stand and steamed it on the clay, the red one is so sculpted, i hold my hands , it’s like plasticine, well, i’ll save it right away , make a little bird, pasta to the stop, and were driving