questions or comments about this report or our work in general, we invite them to contact us at pac@s any messages will be responded to when schools resume in august. commissioner murase: i just want to thank michele very much for your service. i had the privilege of serving with you on the parent of kaiser council. you really did give 110% to the organization. i do want to respectfully disagree that all of the discussions at the general meetings were not sufficiently recognized. there are specific examples for the proposal changed. one is siblings were moved up in terms of priority. second, the start date of the middle school feeder was pushed back to six years. third, there was a real commitment, and i think we can all recall a firm commitment, to getting the district to articulate plans at the middle school level not just for language but also for owners, music, visual, and performing arts. those are three small examples of the way in which the hundreds of discussions you facilitated made for better policy making. i agree that in the and we did not adopt the full scope of recommen