look at specific populations, so we face the challenges in collecting data on native american and specific pacific islanders and the populations as well as some specific hispanic populations across the board, but from the data that we have seen and have seen over the past two or three decades, we have seen a continued confirmation in the existence of health disparities in minority populations. what is the cause of these disparities? it is certainly multi factorial. there is the need -- disease diagnosis and diagnosing specific diseases with the minority communities, but looking at this and the population, as well, it is related to socio-economic and environmental come individual, and personal factors, as well as other social determinants of health. you will hear more from this panel, but as we look in terms of the etymology, it is important to recognize that this is definitely a multi-factorial process, for the disease processes in minority communities. individual risks include poverty, low help the literacy, behavior, as well as lack of insurance or underinsurance as well as a lack of a regular source of c