you lead an expedition to retrieve fragments of the fireball off the western pacific seafloor. on june 21, he claimed he had in such discoveries, he said, may be the way scientists find evidence of extraterrestrial life. i am going to keep reading. here's her quote. "not biological creatures like what you see in science fiction movies, it is mostly a technological gadget with artificial intelligence." many astronomers see the announcement as the latest example of dr. loeb making an outlandish declaration that is too strong and too hasty. his pronouncements in a promotional video in times square about the search for extraterrestrial life skew public perception of how science actually works, they say. so, i amriing that up to say, you know, explain wt d you find? a showing a picture of you holding something that you found. tell us, what did you find? you know the picture i am referencing. what did you find and how do you respond to those who say, you are not helping this. you are creating more skepticism. guest: let me explain what i am doing. i am sinking evidence. this meteor d