we have the -- the sierra pacific has three companion synods. one is in el salvador, rwanda and taiwan. i have active connections with congregations and leaders in each of those churches. the elca is hoping at this point in time to be a part of a worldwide commemoration of the 500th anniversary that began in 1517 -- win95 questions were posted on a church door and said, let's talk. that movement has spread now to a worldwide expression of christianity. and has a helpful relevant word to share along with other christian witnesses. we talked about god's grace quite a bit. i remember the first definition about grace was from my confirmation pastor. >> tell us. >> god's honor, love and favor. it shows how god chose to love us first by sending christ to the world to redeem us. as we live that and we thank god for that, we have an opportunity to reflect that love and grace to others. >> so lutherans can be joyful and thankful people. >> we can be. >> there is a rumor -- that we are not terribly evangelical. we sometimes think that we should be able to