side them both feeding the homeless, working in the shelter with the women and children, and at pacificca where they have gift of love hospice. again for homeless people mostly that are dying of aids because of context in which they live. sisters give them dignity. i work along side them on that. >> so when we come back from this next break, we would love to hear more about those activities of mercy that the sisters and you are engaged in in san francisco. >> thank you. announcer: todd's a great guy. i mean, look at him. what. a. sweetheart. attaboy. wait, todd, what are you doing? how totally selfish and un-toddlike of you. come on, todd, come on, man. . >>> so welcome back to special edition of mosaic. we're talking about the newest saint in the catholic church. we have with us today a deacon rory who recently was named deacon chaplain to local nation theirs of charity. could you tell us in some detail or what detail you choose about the work of sisters in the san francisco and work as their chaplain. >> absolutely happy to. in san francisco, the sisters have the shelter for the women a