that case initially came up as a single 6,000 back pagesnd in the agreement to meet what turned out to be a 16-year-old time at the local hotel. we take the cases and treat them as a single prostitution case and never find the pimp because we do notes protut the sex work -- we do notes prot s pres pro e sex workers as other counties do. those cases end up in little consequences. and we can do the work the way we're doing and go after the source of the human trafficking. but that requires a lot of hours. one single case or 1,000 hours to deal with this type of work. and beginning to see the increasing auto burglaries and that was a part of a lot of work between the police department and my office. and maried the groups that are doing this and nevertheless, we have the problem and the problem with this is like anything else. and if there are not other people to hand it will pretrial diversions and prosecutors and public defenders and the system will come to a bottleneck because the question you have to address is whether we want to be smart about the way ewith invest our money or use bru