detectives investigating the disappearance of paige birgfeld had a big hunch. st had to be some connection between lester ralph jones and paige's second husband, rob dixon. they already knew dixon had been looking for dirt about paige, something he could use in family court as a way of getting custody of their kids. so as the cop saw it, rob dixon had the motive, while lester ralph jones had the means. so maybe murder for hire. but-- big but, they couldn't find evidence of any contact between jones and dixon before paige vanished. no phone calls, no wire transfers, nothing suspicious, nothing at all, really. jones himself, on the other hand, ah, there were just too many holes in his story. for starters, no alibi the night paige went missing. and even worse, jones admitted that when paige's car was set on fire, he was at bob scott rvs, practically across the street. and guess what they found at jones' work site. a discarded package that once contained a pre-paid tracfone, the disposable kind that doesn't reveal the identity of the user. except, on the package was