a few years ago painfu but we had to cut the pay of our state employee you know, our view all along hasn to take a balanced apprch, and businesses get that. the folks who are creating jobs get that. and what they care most about, i know there's a big, big focus on some other issues, but work force is what it's all about. the ceo of gallop recently wrote a book. there are 3 billion people in the world looking for jobs. 1.2 billion jobs available. we are in a global war for jobs. it is that simple. >> that's really a good way to put it actually. so what does that pro-business environment in delaware, what does that teach you about educating the next generation of workers ensuring that u.s. workers have what they need, the skill sets that they need to thrive in this uncertainty? >> we spend a lot of time making sure what we're teaching in our schools, community college, career and technical schools, that there's aa linkage betwtwe what we're teaching and the skills that are actually valued in the marketplace. there's a lot of interaction with local businesses who can tell us, what ar the s