transit platforms in the outer districts and we have suggested ideas for striping didn'striping and paino between the curb and platform it's coloured in a specific colour. that was a suggestion the state's rules state you cannot colour things different, concerns about colour and how it impact user visual driving through these area. i think we have to take steps further is beyond what we've done on transit and traffic speed reduction in the excelcior and bayshore. a lot of pedestrian cross-walks where people have almost been killed by cars veering around other cars that come to a complete stop to allow a person to cross and allowing the person in a wheelchair or senior trying to cross and it's mainly speed that will kill them and we've seen this numerous times in all districts didn't that's where we need to focus our attention. we need to look at different alternatives, even paint, just simple paint on the streets and we need to look at reducing speeds in those areas to a minimum to get down to the number of fatalities to zero. thank you. >> thank you. mr. lebraun. >> i don't really drive