i picked three provinces, kunar, paktika and kandahar. and then i drilled down even further because they had assigned one team per district in the key districts that they felt there were villagers that wanted to stand up and defend against the taliban and areas that were of some consequence strategically. so i spent most of that two years in the mud-walled homes that encompass their livestock yard, and it's really an enclosed living area. i spent very little time in kabul, although i did visit the commands on each visit and sort of worked my way down so i understood what the various the diplomatic side and the high command level was saying and thinking about b the war effort. but i really concentrated my time and my focus on this village level. so i have some broader comments i can make about the war, am happy to do that. but what i was really looking at after ten years of a very heavy focus in the special operations community on what is called the kill and capture aspect, the direct action, the kinetic activity going after enemy elements