as a result of this error, citizens -- citizens of the marshall islands, micronesia and palau are often forced to settle for temporary driver's licenses that expire in a year. because some employers have been reluctant to hire or retain temporary license carriers, many of these citizens lose access to work, housing and other opportunities. the omission greatly disadvantages these citizens to other nonimmigrants who are able to obtain standard licenses lasting up to eight years if they meet the real i.d. act eligibility requirements. h.r. 3398 correct this is drafting error in the real i.d. act. fixing this error in the law clarifies the legal eligibility of the citizens of these three driver's full-time licenses, honors our compact of free association and reaffirm ours partnership with the three nations. i would like to thank representative don young, the gentleman from alaska and my friend, for his work on this important legislation. i urge my colleagues to support this bill and reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from californ