when he rolls into palermo and he gets the notice not to take it, he says, what do they want me to do, give it back? that was a city in germany. in the movie they use his exact lines, just not in the right places. i did see where he said that. that was a stars and stripes story where he made that line about every day, you know what i'm talking about. but yes, very devoted. he was raised a protestant, but when he was born, they thought he was going to die. and they had an irish catholic nurse. and she baptized him a catholic because she thought he was about to die on the delivery table. then when he got stronger, they had a protestant baptism. it's said that because of his catholic roots that were accidental almost, that he made sure all the chaplains in 3rd army were catholic because he liked their sort of marshal spirit, things like that. could quote the bible like that. knew the bible very well. and definitely feared god. you know, when things went bad, god, why are you doing this to me? when things went well, he thanked god for them. i'm sure his church attendance went down. you kn