on palessa there are a lot of jumping old parks, but they can smell their water system.for the park of the past, where... here on the other hills and on the other former hills there are white springs from the west, there were different canfigurations of steel, adzin from their circle. these galoins, and there is a fountain on them, and the summer hour, this fountain is high, falling, here all the trees were in such sedry droplets, how this system worked, which i violated, no one knows, things were like chistsyudkiya, water in these canals, which were ab'yadnouvalі stavs, the dachshund was uncovered green repentance. this system was destroyed, but the secret place was not revealed, as the water was taken, not the shadows of the pins, although the pin fell closer, only the channel, like the water advodzia side pins, the great shkada, that at the same time we are in such a camp this water system, the problem of old parks that's why we have a lot of efforts to take care of these lasting gardens... to pack the treasures that have been realized in the past hours. mastochak, we