the genus of valodak maentka varatsevichy, in palessi. at the beginning of the 19th century , mikhal orda became the gaspadar. it would be good for the engineers. and the whole yagon woman, yuzefina, spent the whole hour rightly drinking. the chattering sounds, the fathers were wondering who would get away with it. cotton appeared in the world on the 11th of lutag , 1807. the name was chosen by nevypadkova. the young emperor of the french immediately adopted rech paspalita, and there the gentry became popular. and that's it, iago gonar has his own napaleon in palessia. tsikava, as the brothers called, maybe half and half? i was asked, a boy who went to my father, to enroll in the physics and mathematics faculty of the university of vilensk. ale to learn lagarifma pit was sumnavata. the one on the right is the revaluation zeinast. the student becomes a partner in the taimanga of merchandising. at the bottom there is a arysht and adlichenne. the boy had a trap with the army, with the russian horse guards, and then came the fall of 1830. on