verizon, abbott, paloalto, pfizer and kraft. now, we bought it for the travel trust. it goes higher. they have 4 different divisions there. they are growing faster than the double digits than they have it during the pandemic. paloalto, i am not giving up. kraft heinz it does not intrigue me. pfizer, reignites the growth. meantime 5% your yield. abbott and pfizer you can not have both, pull out pfizer, put in ge. we will not keep the kraft heinz, if we are there we need to be in consumer goods, proctor and gamble. now, that is one. so we will have a 10 company, we will have an aerospace company, we will have a drug company, cybersecurity company and we will have a consumer and i will feel terrific and sleep good at night with that. now, sebastian. >> hi i am from miami, florida. >> love, love, love >>caller: my five stocks are: nvidia, blackrock and arm, and trans. i was talking to my partner about that being the next theme for the travel trust, maybe put it in the bullpen. arm they are partners with nvidia. we will have to take that out and put in lily on the discount