pam mawdsley has devoted her life to looking after her daughter louise. louise was born with deformities 42 years ago. her development has been very restricted. louise has needed 24-hour care ever since her birth. it's a full-time job for pam. she recalls the difficult days after the birth. >> all her bones stopped growing and stopped her brain from growing so she's got a very small head. her brain stopped growing so it couldn't develop anymore and when she had an operation on her brain when she was about 10 months, nine months old, they found there were great cavities with nothing in. reporter: pam is certain that the cause lies in a pregnancy test that she took. >> i went to my doctor to see if i was pregnant and he gave me two tablets. one to be taken one day and one the next. and if i didn't have my period i was pregnant. and i didn't have my period so i was pregnant. i just took what he gave me, he didn't give me a prescription, he got them from a drawer in his desk. reporter: this was at a time when the drug had already long been suspected of damagi