that's pam oakes, author of "car care for the clueless." that was fun. thanks bill. up next, why it's hard to find worryworts on wall street. chart talk is next. dan deming of stutland equities joins us now for some chart talk. good morning dan, and where is the fear in this market? > > [laughsgood question angie. really, let's talk about it. over the last week-and-a- half, leading into this new week, we saw the market fall about 5% from the election, and yet the vix is down around 5% as well from the election. it came in on election tuesday at 17.58, and closed last week at 16.49 i believe. so, a very unusual situation right now, with the market kind of falling off here. and actually the momentum has been fairly heavy. it has been a pretty constant downward move, yet we are not seeing much of a reaction in volatility. > > we really aren't. is it rare to see something like this? it sounds like it is to you. > > yeah, it is very unusual. i guess you can kind of look at it in a couple of different ways. we're trying to piece it together ourselves. one thing is it appea