. >> hi pam sims. ocii. and yes, actually is deal affirmative marketing to alice griffith households and see if there's any large households inner generational to see if they would want to live at this site. >> oh, great. >> any further questions? do i have a motion. >> i move. >> second. >> moved by commissioner rosales and seconded by commissioner singh madam secretary can you take the roll. >> commission members announce your vote when i call your name commissioner rosales. >> yes. >> singh. >> yes. >> vice-chair bustos is absent. >> yes. >> madam chair, we have throw ayes and one absent. >> thank you, motion carried. >> thank you very much for the presentation. >> congratulations. >> so madam secretary let's call the next item. >> the next order of business agenda item 5c work shop on fiscal year 2016-2017 annual affordable housing production report discussion. madam director. >> thank you. this item is interesting one and it's exciting and this is the third year where the agency has issued an annual aff