also next, pam squares, corinne king brown and juanita. >> i'm a guest here because i work with captain mannings of the community advisory board for northern station and northern actually has five superviseors that cover it. but mine is about contracting, but contracting in such a way where, mayor lee you said and the budget analyst said, more proactive. part of that is to have contracts, especially with the outreach in the social services that are supposed to be providing means to break the crime cycle. and part of it is being someone who has worked with community policing for years is you don't see a unified vision amongst the city of what they're trying to achieve. and in doing that outreach is always the thing where i find most of the agencies expect people to come to them and as we all know the streets are full of, and your neighborhood is actually experiencing more of this. how can we get outreach to be in the contracts in such a way where they're saying what you're measuring it by, how they're going to implement it, but also what i find in contracting is there's no escape clause.