we again also heard a presentation from pamela levin, our cfo, on the planned expenditures from that fund. it really falls into two categories. its annual expenses that will be paid each year associate with help and open enrollment and other medications activities one-time expenses that we will fund things like it expenses and other things that phone systems, things of that nature that are used for-help us with communications that one-time expenses that will be paid form funds that have accumulated there so that we utilize all those funds over the years. we reviewed a detailed chart of all the expenses that are proposed to be paid the timetable for those payments, and the amount that would remain in that fund of each year for future similar projects, and at the conclusion of the presentation the again, the three members of the finance committee and the two guests present with us all-the finance committee recommended approval of this budget and the two members with us were in agreement that it-without motion. so i think at this point but it would probably be appropriate to enter their