financial report by pamela levin. >> good afternoon. pamela levin, c.f.o. health service system. this report provided to you summarizes the revenues annex pences of employee benefit trust fund and general fund administration budget through august, 2018, as well as the fiscal year through june 20, 2019. i will first talk about the trust projection. we are still in the audit phase of the financial statements. unfortunately, the originally had scheduled to have it released the end of october, as we normally do. the city is extremely behind in work that needed to be done as a result of the new financial system. and it is unlikely it will be issued in december for our december meeting. however, i will keep you abreast of the news. we get phone calls every friday and we talk to the auditors once a week, but they are right now relocated to other jobs and will come back when the city is ready to have them come back. so we're going to begin with what an unaudited trust balance, as of june 30, 2018, of $72.9 million. based on activity through august, 2018, the fund balance is projected to