this presentation is done by pamela levin, the chief financial officer. >> good afternoon, pamela levin, chief financial officer. sorry. i had to take a breath. health service system. the report that is in front of you summarizes the revenue and expenditures for the trust and for the general fund administrative budget threw thrh december 31st as well as fiscal year and projections through june 30th. the trust ended the year last fiscal year on january 30th, 2019 with a balance of $92.2 million. based on activity through december 31st, 2019, the fund balance is projected to be $91.8 million, which is a decrease of .4 million or $400,000. we're projecting a decrease in the fund balance for the uhc/ppo plan due to unfavor claim experience for access plus, the fund balance is projected to increase 11.6 million primarily due to pharmacy rebates and favorable claims experience. for the tria plan we're projecting a 4.9 million decrease in the fund balance compared to last month when we came in it was 5.8 so we continue to have unfavorable claims but things are getting better. we're projecting