joining me today on "studio 1.0," pandora founder tim westergren. tim, thank you so much for joining us, so great to have you. what is on your playlist these days? tim: the center of my musical bull's-eye is ben folds. piano player, great songwriter. i find other artists i like on his station. a big font of discovery. i have jazz, punk, folk, country. emily: i was happy to find the "frozen" station, the toddler radio station. those are favorites in our house. tim: very popular. emily: when did you discover your own musical talent? tim: i began playing piano when i was seven, living in france, and learned enough about chord structures and improvisation to allow me to get around the keyboard. after that, i fell in love with it. after i graduated, i spent the first five years after school playing piano nine hours a day. emily: where did you play? tim: my living room. emily: but how did you support yourself? i know you played at a holiday inn. tim: i did a bunch of gigs i would like to forget, but i was a nanny after college about five years. i took car