known for her medal to the panel lat. do we really want her in charge of the money supply? gerri: i do not think that people don't like larry because of what he had to say about women. i think those comments have been largely forgotten. but one senator said we need a consensus builder. also concerned about whether he plays well with other children. frankly, i have interviewed the man twice in the is brilliant. no doubt about it. a fantastic economist, very knowledgeable, very persuasive, but he likes everyone to go along with him. >> that is correct. the second part of my answer would be that he is the economists none of us want to have dinner with. because he always comes to a quick conclusion as to who has the superior intellect and the room. the thing about mr. summers, a very good mathematical economist and theoretician. on public policy his prescriptions have been found wanting. he was the guy behind getting rid of glass stiegel and so forth. and in a lot of ways mr. summers was the intellectual father of the financial crisis. gerri: welcome also one of the guys to ste