the appraisal company cinnabar services out of tulsa is doing shoddy work and the trust is panem one point eight million dollars to do shoddy work they're rude to the people they have consistencies and the trust will not hold them accountable. to listen only second i had i listened what you guys listen we have people want to say this is not like the first by a well it essentially means we put something out for bid we hired a contractor we have gone and and gotten their appraisals and we've had that review i mean and i don't want to state a values are higher in this buyout than they were in the first one and what you see in the news record here's today's news record trust the fans buy out approach the trust is circling the wagons and you know the trust is supposed to take care of these people and they're not doing are they're going to be people who feel like they were to more yes what i can to share with you is that there's been no conspiracy on the court anyone to get higher values for certain people now let me finish. what there is is a lot of innuendo and accusation and yet there i