and now it’s on in this in the goose-crystal area in the village of panfilovo e, this fire is localizednly a timely response is not brought to such a point that the fire turns from a grassroots smoldering horse only this allows you to stop fires at the stage frame. we , too, in moscow have been feeling it in recent days. and uh, how seriously this is still a problem for your residents. i understand that you have been warned on the eve of meteorologists, in particular, that the wind could change and, in fact, that's the smog that we feel, we have been in moscow lately. he can, on the contrary, come to you from the ryazan fires. yes, because the wind changes at first, indeed, the direction of the development of the fire was towards moscow, that is, the wind was from the east to the west. now during the night the wind has changed and some of the smoke brought to the vladimir region is felt, probably, a little easier than in moscow but nevertheless. windy weather does not allow faster to develop by fire and transfer these smogs to other territories, i won’t say that this is now causing some