thirty-year-old ivan pantyukhin, a former paratrooper and a lover of loud music, lived on the fourth. above him in apartment number 13 lived a family of doctors, sergei maistrenko, his wife ksenia and their little son. according to neighbors, pantyukhin often drank and could turn on his powerful speakers in the middle of the night. we have been living here for 11 years, all this is constant, that is , noise, music, yes, once a month, he is not all the time, but he did not work anywhere, did not study, it happened that time. according to one version, sergei maistrenko did to the troublemaker remark he promised to turn down the sound, and then went up to his neighbor to sort things out, a fight broke out, presumably the former paratrooper. is under house arrest, he is prohibited from doing business under the article on murder, now the doctor is not allowed to talk to journalists, a set of necessary investigative enterprises is continuing to be carried out in the criminal case, in particular , forensic examinations have been appointed, such as forensic, molecular genetic, ballistic, tra