the popular folk theater character papageno, bird hunter, with his suit of feathers, woos papagena and merrily leads audiences into the magic of illusion. [music] theater always has functioned at its best when it has most fully accepted the theater condition which allows the imagination to be transported beyond surface reality, which is after all, only one style of the theater. come on. let's get started. one way of understanding the dynamics of theater art is in terms of convention and style. conventions are the results of earlier innovations of creative artists which become familiar to and therefore accepted by audiences. gathered together, conventions establish a style. while many sources can influence the creative artist to change to violate a convention or a set of conventions, audiences rarely seek such change. theatrical change is normally e result of a creative artist's new perception of the theater or of the world. in this way, the theater artist creates a new style, and we can understand the dynamic nature of theater as a struggle between new style and old convention. luigi p