. >> more than a thousand miles south of the arctic, admiral robert papp is speaking at the us coastuard academy in new london, connecticut. >> and, what concerns me is that we don't fall behind on meeting this challenge - especially when we see other arctic nations-including our partners-surging forward and expanding their arctic capabilities. >> here, at the first 'leadership for the arctic' conference, military officials, bureaucrats, lawyers, environmentalists, and oil and mining industry executives have gathered to discuss, and perhaps eventually shape arctic policy. >> but even if we stopped greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow, we will continue to have this governance question before us. >> we've got a lot of work to do to be prepared, and to be able to respond to all of the events that could possibly take place in the arctic. >> for centuries we struggled how to make demarcation of this boundary, it was done under pressure of oil industry. >> in the next 40 years energy needs in the world will double. >> peter slaiby is the vice president of shell alaska. shell has long been pus