as it gets smaller, the impact to climate in africa or papua new guinea or the united states is amplifiedrming. >> it's global, yes. the early indicators probably will happen up here. >> you know, you seem warm and cosy when you were indoors, but hard. gruelling? >> the schedule was really gruelling, starting at 5:30, or earlier, because it was co-ed bathrooms, so i, in particular, wanted to get in first at 4:30, but they were up really early, and everyone was showered and on the plane by at least six. but i loved seeing how at the end of the day they come together. there's a lot of comraderie and warmth and joy around it. phil, you and i spent a lot of time in field stations in the tropics, and a lot of that happens at the field stations. fun to see it happening in the arctic. >> it was a little toasty where we were. similar comraderie, four shore. >> there are a lot of knowns. the extent to which the glaziers are melting is surprising. but did you guys discover anything new on your journey? >> to draw conclusions about the environmental situation in statement. but i was talking to the p