we have choppered into a cloud forest in the mountains of papua new guinea.uide is lisa daybeck, an american biologist who has dedicated her life to saving the tree kangaroo. >> just be really careful. there's holes. >> reporter: she first saw these animals 20 years ago at a zoo in the u.s. >> i fell in love with them then. plus they're beautiful. the more i learned about them the more i knew that i wanted to help them. >> is it true that you went eight years without seeing one in the wild? >> yes. >> reporter: finally a few years ago, daybeck and her team managed to get radio collars on some treeroos. >> it's so hard to find them. >> she's tearing right out of there. >> good. she's saying, hi, dan. okay, okay, there she goes. >> reporter: that's when the guy up in the tree gets close enough for her to jump. once she's on the ground, the men rush in to grab her by the tail. >> easy, easy. easy. >> reporter: there's a field veterinarian here to make sure the animal is okay and to check if she has a baby in her pouch. >> no? okay, good. whew. okay. so now they'