we lost 290,000 jobs under paquin you can ask a bond rating agencies about how much he has failed asovernor. paquin has done nothing in four years on our state's biggest problem which is pension reform. >> you did hear a proposal from him today in this speech about how to get where we need to go. hopefully this is the last speech that refers to the problem that we need to specfix.to fx. call sofix call,. calls for an assault weapons ban. let's be frank the pension squeeze is draining our ability to teach our students, our children are being shortchanged and in the end that shortchanges our economy as well that is not to our illinois the pension is a $97 billion problem for the state and is growing by the day. he did make mention is his speech this afternoonin his speech this afternoon hybrid legislation ultimately amount to a bipartisan pension solution congressional investigators call for a full house ethics committee probe of illinois congressman aron shock claiming that he solicited excessive contribution to help a colleague in a bitter primary battle last year shock is a republic