if approved, project g would increase salaries of teachers and paraeducators and other school employees. salaries of ucsf employees will increase by an additional 7% on top of the already scheduled raises that are included in our collective bar anning agreement. if passed, teachers salaries why our district would move into the top quarter -- quartile in our district in 2020. thank you, president mendoza. that concludes my remarks for this evening. >> thank you, dr. matthews. at this time i'd like to call on doctor merase for some quick remarks? >> yes. it's bitter sweet that we say good-bye to our long time spanish interpreter, lorenza, and so we have a card and some flowers. this will be her final meeting for us, and so we just want to acknowledge her work. [applause]. >> lorenza, why don't you come on up, please, for just a moment. you don't have to translate this for us. thank you. [applause]. >> interpretation for many of our families wouldn't have been possible without your incredible support, lorenza. it's been a great being a parent with you and raising our kids together. we wish