we're going paragliding.the owner of pro flight paragliding multitasks driving us to the launch point while running through safety instructions. >> didn't know it was being filmed. >> you are doing great. >> after a short safety quiz which luckily was not in hawaiian. >> let's watch that again. see that hand signal we are making, that means hang loose. yet i keep saying, mahalo, thank you. which makes no sense. >> shaka. >> from there my instructor took over. strapping me in. i remained calm. >> not too loose. >> it has to be loose. you have to run. >> finally, it was time to fly. >> three, two, one. launch forward. oh, my god, this is so cool. ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to get away i want to fly away ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ got to get away ♪ ♪ i want to get away i want to fly away ♪ >> what a rush. >> would you like to try flying? >> really? i really am flying. ♪ i believe i can fly >> oh, the other way. >> but the big question, could i stick the landing. >> oh, boy. >> clearly my instructor had as much fun as i did. ♪ hal