on that occasion when they were paralegara olympics meeting, i participate with them. times got better every year, i was more deliberate with my work ethic. in 2007 i had an opportunity to run internationally for the first time a broad. that's when i started running. everybody races competitively internationally. >> and when you got the prosthetics legs, any advancements there, any improvements? >> on the running prosthetics -- the running prosthetic legs i started running with -- i had been asked from the time i started using them, about ten years. although there's been a lot of advancements in parra olympic sprinting, there's brands you may use. the one i'm with is no advancement or technology that's improved upon them. >> now, if if you can take the court through the progress in your athletic career, when did you say you really started to excel? >> my lady, i think in 2009 probably. i ran in 2004 at para olympics in athens. in 2005 i came in sixth at south africa. six athletes in the country over the 400 meters. in 2006, i went to the world championships for athlete