and you stole my next line, paramitha, i was going to ask, can you take us deeper now into the world of detainers, constitutional issues around detainers and what some of the litigation challenges have been and sort of what's the landscape at least on the existing detainer litigation. >> so thank you very much. it's a pleasure to be here today. i also wanted to open this with, you know, agreeing with michelle that sanctuary policies really are an exercise of basic state and local powers to regulate for the health and local powers to regulate for the basic health and safety and welfare of their residents. some people think people have done this to stop mass deportations. really, that's rarely the only motivations. they recognize they are vital to providing police-community relations and making sure that people feel safe reporting crimes and accessing basic government services and more recently, public schools and universities voiced concern that more aggressive immigration enforcement will jeopardize student safety and interfere with their school's educational missions. i know the que