established for decades, and that was open space on the triangle, a renovated, expanded library, a parcher playground the entire community agrees with these. the eir does not adequately evaluate and apples to apples to oranges to oranges comparison of what is possible and, in fact, obscures' -- obscures' -- obscures. the neck area is actually decreased. by decreasing the multipurpose cards date field and introducing a lot of circulation that is not there now, so the net loss has to be clarified in the eir. krsnick triangular library, a triangular worms, as you note -- the triangular library, triangular rooms, as you know3 -- know, are not very efficient. this creates several thousand square feet more and possibly save several million dollars in the process. again, that is not clearly evaluated in the eir process. i'm going to hand in some of the issues into the record because it is pretty lengthy, and i, i had more minutes, and only two of the reasons were listed as project goals, and all three could be eliminated. under ceqa, a program is feasible if it achieves most of the objectives. one, the eir