being convicted of her infant son's murder, sabrina butler was sent to wait for her execution in parchman, mississippi. she was just the second woman on mississippi's death row at the time. >> i think i'd stayed on the floor in the corner crying every day. >> sabrina was all alone with little family to speak of. >> as far as my childhoochildho wasn't the best childhood. we were very poor. my mom struggled very hard to take care of me and my two brothers. we had a lot of times where we didn't have food, and she had a drinking problem. she really didn't have time for us as far as hugging us and, you know, tucking us in bed, you know, that kind of thing. she didn't do that. >> by age 15, sabrina was married and pregnant. two years later, she was divorced and pregnant with her second child, walter junior, who she was convicted of killing. >> i was more depressed than anything because of what was happening to me, trying to figure out a way out and didn't know, you know, how to get out, where to go, who to turn to. in jail, i wrote letters to different people, you know, trying to get my case he