thmasaste planan nedsds a l of f int, andndo the kind of wo t that do f fee into the pareteters at the state needss s partf itits master anan. so y you kw, i i jt wantnt to veve you vieiew what t e salt marshes ouound he lolookike. youanan seehat t the'marsh for mes in th d direcon.. marsheprprovida lolot buffefe frm m storenerergyso theh're a buffebebetweeour r hun civilitition a the seaso t the resrarationnvololvepumpinin sediment io o a mah lilikehis to raise thelelevatin tto low it to bter keepacace wi seaea level rise d d to fl inin aas that have ered. so isis is e bububbdove structure,hihich ione e ofhe majoflfloodges i in e morgaa a to t gululf vee system. wita a leve onene questionhahat yohaveve i who'iinsid annd o is tside ee lev sysyste by drdring thisalall inhe m mar, you'u're changing t e envirmentnt, t yo''e alalsoettingngown a series p princles s ofho lives wherendnd theindsds o choiceshahat the cocommitiess face in theeaears aad, , so of which e e gointo b be ry, veve tough cicices. albert. . naqu: ththisrea used tbebe lov' lane e cause there watrtrees l ovoverhe pla. .