first time i watched a film that i was filming a very famous english director cuprick , called paris lindon 18th and also the 19th centuries, this is a very... unknown character who was personally familiar with napoleon, this is alexander borisovich kurakin, prominent political statesman of the russian empire , holder of the order of the legion of honor, which he received together with emperor alexander in telsit from the hands of napoleon personally, and in this portrait he is depicted with the order and ribbon of the legion of honor, well, for very dear... guests we sometimes we make an exception and allow you to see what is in the storerooms; in the collection of our museum there is a separate small but very valuable collection of casts, casts from various originals of the most famous masters of french art, including the beloved you napoleon. this work is certainly a smaller version of the famous statue of sade, who was considered the personal portrait painter of napoleon bonaparte. and as you know, later there were official photographs, during this period in the napoleonic period before