i live in park brooklyn.ace where, decades ago, a lot of lower income blacks lived and now the upper middle class blacks are moving in, and there's kind that tension. >> so david, how do we rectify the idea first there's always been this them and us thought in the black community, how do we meld the two and make it right? >> it's going to be very difficult to find a unified black community from here on, because of the diversity among us, because of the diversity in how we live, where we live. even the issue of a middle class and upper middle class, there are tensions within those class groups because of the diversity within those classes. so i think that it's what we really like to romanticize, i think, as a community about unity, and i think that is just going to become more and more difficult as we become more diverse. >> david, just because something is hard doesn't mean we shouldn't make the effort. >> sure. >> if we go to a church in the black community, you will find all of that diversity represented. y