additional funding for america reframed provided by open society foundatio ns acton family giv ing, park ion, the national endowment for the ar ts and the reva and david logan foundati on. ♪ ♪ ♪ it was a hot, humid da y in the first week of august in 197 5 in this small, cramped hearing ro om in the boston public schools headquarte r, where there were hundreds of people waiting to testi fy in front of the school committ ee on the second phase of the boston busing pla n, where they would bus elementary school students . i was therewith three representat es from the newly formed chinese parents associatio n. they were there to plead their cas e. we organized all summer long . the meetings went from 20 parents to sometime 200 . some of the parents were parents of my own student s, and some of them were my student s in my saturday english classes . and there are othe rs who are my mother's friends from the garment factor y. so all summer long they organized . they went to community meeting s, they went to community organization s, and then pleaded with community leaders to help them . and al