unbeknownst to parker and harris, the school's surveillance cameras capture the entire incident. >> throughyou'll see the whole thing. you'll see parker get behind her door. and as she was walking out of her door right at the end of the day, now there were students in the hall. he just took a running start, and he hit her with everything he had. >> parker drives a vicious blow into the side of the teacher's face right above her eye. she falls to the ground, and he takes off running down the hall and out the building. students immediately come to the teacher's aid. she gets up from the floor and sits down, holding her head, clearly in pain. principal doug estle is called to the scene. >> over the radio, i heard an administrator is needed upstairs. and, of course, we know when we get the call on the radio an administrator is needed. we all go. we get there, and at the point i get to the top of the stairs i realize what had happened. >> the teacher, bleeding from her injuries, is rushed to the hospital where she receives 20 stitches around her eye. some say the extent of the injuries is so sev