then later he is apple music's up next artist, this is his album gold chain cowboy" music from parker mccollumom the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] like here, if i were -- i'd put at least a message on the shirt. like, "hey, i'm parker." [ laughter ] and i want to say happy birthday to our senior saxophone player. [ cheers and applause ] cleto escobedo senior is 79 years old. same age as the president. >> cleto: oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you're the same age as the president now. >> cleto: i am, 79 years young. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right. i grew up right across the street from cleto and his son cleto, they have the same name. cleto's wife and mother, sylvia, had these -- when we were kids, your mom and wife had clown figurines. >> cleto: beautiful art pieces. >> jimmy: little statuettes, like holding balloons, taking a was this, walking a clown dog. and they were in the house and i was always kind of fascinated by them. their home was overrun by little clowns. so for cleto's birthday i got him a couple of new clowns to add to the collection, which i understand is now